S D A (with Árpád Schilling & the Imaginists)

A chronicle of the making of S D A (Someone Dies Again), an investigation aimed at gun violence in the US, conceived and directed by Árpád Schilling in collaboration with the Imaginists. This podcast is produced by Robert Avila and Stephen K. Patterson.

Episode One: Origins (Part One) can be accessed HERE. After years of delays due to everything from bureaucratic wormholes to a global pandemic, it’s finally happening: Hungarian theater director Árpád Schilling is making his way to Santa Rosa to collaborate on a new play. It’s been a long time coming. How did we get here exactly?

Episode Two: Process (Part Two) can be accessed HERE. Árpád Schilling, now well into rehearsals at the Imaginists’ storefront theater in Santa Rosa, reunites via internet with Hungarian theater critic Tamás Jaszay, an expert on the work of the director and his famed (now defunct) ensemble company Krétakör. As recounted by Brent and Amy in Episode 1, Tamás is also an instigating agent in the S D A Project, stemming from his fateful visit to The Imaginists’ theater in March of 2014. In this conversation, Tamás asks Árpád for an update on the progress so far and wants to learn what has been most surprising and significant for him as he works for the first time with an American team of theater makers toward an American premiere in May.

Episode Three: Finale (Part Three) coming soon…